作者Rambo (香帥)
標題[影片] 今日 MLB 賽事精華 (2013.09.27)
時間Sat Sep 28 18:01:08 2013
紅襪 (BOS) VS
金鶯 (BAL) (
12 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/zBev http://ppt.cc/y3tZ Nava three-run homer
http://ppt.cc/dM2j http://ppt.cc/TEs5 Drew RBI single
http://ppt.cc/gN9t http://ppt.cc/9pm0 Markakis' tough grab http://ppt.cc/daI0 http://ppt.cc/iLJU Davis' 53rd homer
http://ppt.cc/inp6 http://ppt.cc/9sAq Papi 30th home run
http://ppt.cc/FLvY http://ppt.cc/83RN Buchholz 12th win
http://ppt.cc/2I03 http://ppt.cc/b6EN Sox score five in the first
http://ppt.cc/JuSh http://ppt.cc/vJ5o Jones' two-run homer
http://ppt.cc/rD70 http://ppt.cc/vio~ Drew RBI triple
http://ppt.cc/qYbT http://ppt.cc/QB~d Salty homer gets overturned
http://ppt.cc/a5Zu http://ppt.cc/KqI- Papi on the 12-3 win
http://ppt.cc/5YQB http://ppt.cc/JLH1 Nava diving catch http://ppt.cc/lKSr http://ppt.cc/1zwR Recap: BOS 12, BAL 3 http://ppt.cc/zGKZ http://ppt.cc/Lh4t Gomes' solo homer
http://ppt.cc/gTuK http://ppt.cc/O67O Uehara seals win against O
光芒 (TB) VS
藍鳥 (TOR) (
3 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/eXlo http://ppt.cc/CdRo Johnson RBI double
http://ppt.cc/rzO6 http://ppt.cc/wr6U Pillar diving catch http://ppt.cc/QzUp http://ppt.cc/x2e9 Reyes' tough play http://ppt.cc/0au3 http://ppt.cc/GWcJ Dickey nice effort http://ppt.cc/q~Bn http://ppt.cc/qeHv Zobrist solo blast
http://ppt.cc/Vsea http://ppt.cc/Jul9 Maddon on Rays' loss
http://ppt.cc/M4RP http://ppt.cc/SMTv Longoria great play http://ppt.cc/J57v http://ppt.cc/KWoF Gose RBI single
http://ppt.cc/Wwng http://ppt.cc/4xe7 Silverman on postseason tickets
http://ppt.cc/eEkH http://ppt.cc/2G7v Recap: TB 3, TOR 6 http://ppt.cc/kLNN http://ppt.cc/nyk2 Sierra second RBI single
http://ppt.cc/Qytq http://ppt.cc/aulG Lawrie hit in mouth by a pitch
http://ppt.cc/~lxz http://ppt.cc/xiFf Dickey 14th win
http://ppt.cc/3H76 http://ppt.cc/CTHM Young solo shot
http://ppt.cc/2Wa2 http://ppt.cc/QgE- Goins starts a double play http://ppt.cc/RgOw http://ppt.cc/oERm Lawrie RBI single
http://ppt.cc/cBCK http://ppt.cc/2VDo Sierra RBI single
http://ppt.cc/oJV7 http://ppt.cc/bEbP Two score on single, error
http://ppt.cc/RXc0 http://ppt.cc/xR0y Santos earns the save
http://ppt.cc/RxoP http://ppt.cc/MIyP Rays nab Goins at the plate 老虎 (DET) VS
馬林魚 (MIA) (
2 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/QNn9 http://ppt.cc/ed60 Perez starts nice double play http://ppt.cc/yAXY http://ppt.cc/zXbs Redmond on Beinfest departure
http://ppt.cc/W2jt http://ppt.cc/vYMz Fan wins shot in the booth
http://ppt.cc/sKpV http://ppt.cc/FA5p Broadcast remembers Gates Brown
http://ppt.cc/L1cs http://ppt.cc/Z80E Peralta RBI double
http://ppt.cc/DkNb http://ppt.cc/eow~ Miggy returns to Miami
http://ppt.cc/-mEg http://ppt.cc/XTZ2 Webb solid relief
http://ppt.cc/smW3 http://ppt.cc/oUkN Peralta left field debut http://ppt.cc/AGCQ http://ppt.cc/9m-k Prince greets his family
http://ppt.cc/IX6t http://ppt.cc/0Ygv Keys, DeSclafani on honor
http://ppt.cc/DLrM http://ppt.cc/CYcm Jackson RBI single
http://ppt.cc/G0uS http://ppt.cc/3JlV Star Wars lands in Miami
http://ppt.cc/sZKy http://ppt.cc/myZn Must C: Catch http://ppt.cc/JhBT http://ppt.cc/ZPsO Marlins turn two to end game http://ppt.cc/vNYO http://ppt.cc/52vf Recap: DET 2, MIA 3 http://ppt.cc/hvh3 http://ppt.cc/zcOi Peralta on return to Tigers
http://ppt.cc/2kW~ http://ppt.cc/JwBR Iglesias' nice play http://ppt.cc/KC3I http://ppt.cc/vaCY Perez great stop http://ppt.cc/fv5L http://ppt.cc/B0aV Polanco fantastic grab http://ppt.cc/G8Ip http://ppt.cc/H1QA Stanton bases-clearing double
http://ppt.cc/DLWD http://ppt.cc/GPZ3 Miggy singles, exits to ovation
釀酒人 (MIL) VS
大都會 (NYM) (
4 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/pfhh http://ppt.cc/Phct Turner RBI infield single
http://ppt.cc/lk8S http://ppt.cc/Kt8S Aoki leadoff homer
http://ppt.cc/~do3 http://ppt.cc/100v Alderson on meeting expectations
http://ppt.cc/6eyv http://ppt.cc/HBOI Maldonado applies tag http://ppt.cc/kf2c http://ppt.cc/WYf8 Maldonado long home run
http://ppt.cc/JjwC http://ppt.cc/2aKk Fan rocks out in Citi
http://ppt.cc/16Ws http://ppt.cc/EtKY Torres' solid start
http://ppt.cc/k652 http://ppt.cc/BtjO Torres' heads-up play http://ppt.cc/K2h~ http://ppt.cc/B6v- Brewers turn two http://ppt.cc/G8bR http://ppt.cc/Pgmv Syndergaard on playing in Minors
http://ppt.cc/ywvR http://ppt.cc/2eRr Lagares' sacrifice fly
http://ppt.cc/2Xn0 http://ppt.cc/uA30 Davis comes up lame http://ppt.cc/h830 http://ppt.cc/G1t1 Henderson earns the save
http://ppt.cc/qTFL http://ppt.cc/xAbU Davis' two-run dinger
http://ppt.cc/2xUy http://ppt.cc/5SM0 Gallardo solid start
http://ppt.cc/htTw http://ppt.cc/lJAS Recap: MIL 4, NYM 2 海盜 (PIT) VS
紅人 (CIN) (
4 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/EXlU http://ppt.cc/ZvPA Alvarez, Morneau combine for out http://ppt.cc/cQGK http://ppt.cc/b2wD Marte incredible catch http://ppt.cc/74cD http://ppt.cc/8roI Byrd double not overturned
http://ppt.cc/843o http://ppt.cc/H0lO Frazier solo swat
http://ppt.cc/sWeN http://ppt.cc/099t Reds on loss to Pirates
http://ppt.cc/I33e http://ppt.cc/hYP~ Votto singles to tie mark
http://ppt.cc/DTlw http://ppt.cc/Zr7w Reds turn two http://ppt.cc/S-PW http://ppt.cc/yv8r Byrd on Pirates' win
http://ppt.cc/epYm http://ppt.cc/Bgq6 Grilli rings up the save
http://ppt.cc/ku9o http://ppt.cc/Dz5Q Recap: PIT 4, CIN 1 http://ppt.cc/4GgB http://ppt.cc/XX-V Burnett earns 10th win
http://ppt.cc/FZ8i http://ppt.cc/Mljs Alvarez monster two-run shot
http://ppt.cc/QB7Q http://ppt.cc/e-Dw Byrd two-run single
http://ppt.cc/LJkA http://ppt.cc/c5AT Bruce running grab 費城人 (PHI) VS
勇士 (ATL) (
0 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/CJrJ http://ppt.cc/aeIB Braves nab a pair http://ppt.cc/C4OU http://ppt.cc/baoZ Kimbrel 50th save
http://ppt.cc/ckiq http://ppt.cc/dp6C Braves on shutout win
http://ppt.cc/~mqO http://ppt.cc/iOQy C. Johnson talks about the win
http://ppt.cc/jxDh http://ppt.cc/pmXv Uggla, Simmons turn two http://ppt.cc/vO6h http://ppt.cc/lGwI Medlen brilliant start
http://ppt.cc/QvUd http://ppt.cc/9g7i Lee fans sixth straight
http://ppt.cc/A9NO http://ppt.cc/fPjj C. Johnson go-ahead shot
http://ppt.cc/ZW0i http://ppt.cc/6iU- Gattis nabs Hernandez stealing http://ppt.cc/03QD http://ppt.cc/H4d3 R. Johnson running catch http://ppt.cc/ALS8 http://ppt.cc/xs6b Lee dominant in loss
http://ppt.cc/NBVg http://ppt.cc/edl2 Recap: PHI 0, ATL 1 http://ppt.cc/c5gx http://ppt.cc/7SF- Hernandez breaks up no-no
天使 (LAA) VS
遊騎兵 (TEX) (
3 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/E3fD http://ppt.cc/zf4h Beltre starts a double play http://ppt.cc/LEWh http://ppt.cc/I18N Kinsler advances on error
http://ppt.cc/CmKC http://ppt.cc/bra4 Rios scores on wild pitch
http://ppt.cc/GwR~ http://ppt.cc/dy2L Rios' go-ahead single
http://ppt.cc/LhtG http://ppt.cc/jYM4 Pierzynski RBI single
http://ppt.cc/H1aC http://ppt.cc/h-St TV crew drives the Boomstick car
http://ppt.cc/1K~X http://ppt.cc/E8Tk Recap: LAA 3, TEX 5 http://ppt.cc/sNCu http://ppt.cc/dwmB Nathan shuts the door
http://ppt.cc/v2Tx http://ppt.cc/jCsz Angels turn double play http://ppt.cc/krWx http://ppt.cc/qJGJ Rangers turn two http://ppt.cc/MJS2 http://ppt.cc/S2rm Calhoun sacrifice fly
http://ppt.cc/r50g http://ppt.cc/8Bh~ Hamilton running catch http://ppt.cc/AVA7 http://ppt.cc/gOq6 Rangers on win vs. Halos
http://ppt.cc/kA9t http://ppt.cc/QB5m Rios' RBI forceout
http://ppt.cc/VQOf http://ppt.cc/tvmz Hamilton two-run single
http://ppt.cc/eIyB http://ppt.cc/hdGC Pierzynski RBI hit-by-pitch
印地安人 (CLE) VS
雙城 (MIN) (
12 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/l35B http://ppt.cc/cbXp Gomes' RBI single
http://ppt.cc/4AUt http://ppt.cc/5qLv Aviles' two-run single
http://ppt.cc/KvIv http://ppt.cc/LTYi Presley two-run single
http://ppt.cc/K6UO http://ppt.cc/i9~3 Santana RBI double
http://ppt.cc/YvRg http://ppt.cc/pPw3 Stubbs' two-run dinger
http://ppt.cc/ZTZE http://ppt.cc/5J4~ Mastroianni nice grab http://ppt.cc/IIzh http://ppt.cc/edqO Albers gets the final out http://ppt.cc/Jt9H http://ppt.cc/~fCb Kipnis' RBI double
http://ppt.cc/-Jvr http://ppt.cc/SYkZ Raburn two-run single
http://ppt.cc/Hif3 http://ppt.cc/NFV3 Pinto leaves the game
http://ppt.cc/9-zG http://ppt.cc/v784 Kipnis on Indians' victory
http://ppt.cc/dUbY http://ppt.cc/1lfs Asdrubal RBI double
http://ppt.cc/gR3R http://ppt.cc/hKJT Asdrubal strong throw http://ppt.cc/~sBf http://ppt.cc/y5FL Kipnis' RBI triple
http://ppt.cc/8JWV http://ppt.cc/VLyP Recap: CLE 12, MIN 6 http://ppt.cc/Oo6y http://ppt.cc/H~AJ Florimon two-run homer
http://ppt.cc/TSpf http://ppt.cc/9ER2 Plouffe RBI single
皇家 (KC) VS
白襪 (CWS) (
6 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/YhMD http://ppt.cc/rGCD Gordon RBI double
http://ppt.cc/EAij http://ppt.cc/wRiF Carroll 1,000th career hit
http://ppt.cc/P3JN http://ppt.cc/jf09 Bonifacio RBI single
http://ppt.cc/Zqac http://ppt.cc/Xo1S Alexei nice snag http://ppt.cc/EmPc http://ppt.cc/H0Dq Royals on win vs. White Sox
http://ppt.cc/k8W2 http://ppt.cc/Wjju Bonifacio second RBI single
http://ppt.cc/TmMb http://ppt.cc/dDxN Raining sunflowers on Guthrie
http://ppt.cc/WN1h http://ppt.cc/m1Tl Beckham leaping grab http://ppt.cc/~ZQv http://ppt.cc/-UMb Alexei diving stop http://ppt.cc/KPQ5 http://ppt.cc/ZvVn Recap: KC 6, CWS 1 http://ppt.cc/5q5R http://ppt.cc/2STa Cain RBI single
http://ppt.cc/TtE4 http://ppt.cc/wpN~ Shields' 100th career win
http://ppt.cc/wsFG http://ppt.cc/p7fu Beckham solo homer
http://ppt.cc/haqW http://ppt.cc/YQoC Butler two-run double
http://ppt.cc/uqiI http://ppt.cc/9Ywx Must C: Comical http://ppt.cc/6N~v http://ppt.cc/uoAC Gordon recovers for grab
http://ppt.cc/zAqT http://ppt.cc/lpOq Sox turn two 洋基 (NYY) VS
太空人 (HOU) (
3 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/reqm http://ppt.cc/LlJw Recap: NYY 3, HOU 2 http://ppt.cc/sa-O http://ppt.cc/v5vY Porter on Oberholtzer start
http://ppt.cc/mIGm http://ppt.cc/TQQS Porter on final series vs. Yanks
http://ppt.cc/s6VS http://ppt.cc/35c7 Pettitte honored by Astros
http://ppt.cc/rMR1 http://ppt.cc/UD8V Warren solid start
http://ppt.cc/ABKx http://ppt.cc/3HQd Astros on loss to Yankees
http://ppt.cc/-S7A http://ppt.cc/IuZo Astros honor Andy Pettitte
http://ppt.cc/efOZ http://ppt.cc/jn6t Adams' two-run double
http://ppt.cc/TzkK http://ppt.cc/Fvdz Adams' slick tag http://ppt.cc/jqC4 http://ppt.cc/LLhc Reynolds' RBI single
http://ppt.cc/5Rka http://ppt.cc/TanQ Warren on scoreless start
http://ppt.cc/5-JJ http://ppt.cc/kF-i Oberholtzer solid start
http://ppt.cc/-iQ9 http://ppt.cc/aNbB Robertson gets the save
http://ppt.cc/ppmZ http://ppt.cc/bQiF Replay upholds Soriano double
http://ppt.cc/BwR1 http://ppt.cc/AUxP Zeid great relief
http://ppt.cc/Otij http://ppt.cc/aToM Wallace two-run double
小熊 (CHC) VS
紅雀 (STL) (
0 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/EzjK http://ppt.cc/5-p8 Lynn scoreless start
http://ppt.cc/JW3A http://ppt.cc/PjTH Yadi RBI fielder choice
http://ppt.cc/Elts http://ppt.cc/JWvE Navarro hit by pitch, stays in
http://ppt.cc/zVCP http://ppt.cc/Oyhi Must C: Clinch http://ppt.cc/rLv9 http://ppt.cc/3ZHn Recap: CHC 0, STL 7 http://ppt.cc/xqtH http://ppt.cc/z9RC Cubs turn two http://ppt.cc/VkA3 http://ppt.cc/fjj- Mozeliak on gametime change
http://ppt.cc/m7RC http://ppt.cc/OEEU Carpenter scores on error
http://ppt.cc/mJOS http://ppt.cc/kZmP Freese solo homer
http://ppt.cc/bg~d http://ppt.cc/J8gu Quinn joins the Cubs' booth
http://ppt.cc/cfeo http://ppt.cc/-Gq7 Cards clinch the NL Central
http://ppt.cc/gumS http://ppt.cc/vyIo Jay RBI single
http://ppt.cc/MvPG http://ppt.cc/CGgH Holliday solo shot
http://ppt.cc/263Q http://ppt.cc/3Vuy Castro diving grab http://ppt.cc/5M6y http://ppt.cc/z0Ly Bogusevic nabs Carpenter http://ppt.cc/rNmU http://ppt.cc/hsUo Jay diving catch http://ppt.cc/Rku8 http://ppt.cc/t71i Carpenter off-balanced throw http://ppt.cc/xLXd http://ppt.cc/QSrH Yadi two-run double
http://ppt.cc/LO6~ http://ppt.cc/wJCB Cards celebrate NL Central title
http://ppt.cc/yw4r http://ppt.cc/tHEr Cubs turn a double play 國民 (WSH) VS
響尾蛇 (ARI) (
8 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/Rv-B http://ppt.cc/1JEX Corbin picks off Desmond http://ppt.cc/84a7 http://ppt.cc/7ndq Harper RBI double
http://ppt.cc/o3Ou http://ppt.cc/kjrx Werth three-run smash
http://ppt.cc/7kRN http://ppt.cc/4gzT Hill nice play http://ppt.cc/Sanc http://ppt.cc/Ex6I Gregorius' RBI grounder
http://ppt.cc/uzca http://ppt.cc/tZ2d Ramos' three-run shot
http://ppt.cc/V4Uc http://ppt.cc/KnSA Run scores on a double play
http://ppt.cc/f~DL http://ppt.cc/UGqf Recap: WSH 8, ARI 4 http://ppt.cc/9bmA http://ppt.cc/1Kne Montero nabs Harper http://ppt.cc/EteL http://ppt.cc/WBmY Parra RBI single
http://ppt.cc/OZ5X http://ppt.cc/Phxw Rendon RBI double
http://ppt.cc/xgS5 http://ppt.cc/I7wc Bird watches game from infield
http://ppt.cc/7JdH http://ppt.cc/USvv Gregorius' off-balanced throw http://ppt.cc/M5PK http://ppt.cc/Tmxm Zimmerman diving stop http://ppt.cc/IiPY http://ppt.cc/QBIS Davidson RBI double
http://ppt.cc/zrUk http://ppt.cc/fYYR Strasburg solid outing
http://ppt.cc/mgyF http://ppt.cc/-BIt Zimmerman nice play 落磯 (COL) VS
道奇 (LAD) (
0 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/m32H http://ppt.cc/dlXt Uribe two-run double
http://ppt.cc/XM4e http://ppt.cc/zGOe Kershaw picks off Culberson http://ppt.cc/wVIt http://ppt.cc/5u35 Kershaw on 16th win
http://ppt.cc/PufS http://ppt.cc/pxGP Puig injures leg, exits game
http://ppt.cc/qFwS http://ppt.cc/1AB2 Adrian solo shot
http://ppt.cc/R2gi http://ppt.cc/IOqi McHugh first career hit
http://ppt.cc/76of http://ppt.cc/ezLY M. Ellis' RBI single
http://ppt.cc/egmi http://ppt.cc/dbTB Arenado starts a double play http://ppt.cc/VgoD http://ppt.cc/dLBh Herrera infield single
http://ppt.cc/f5Dt http://ppt.cc/bfaj A.J. Ellis' RBI single
http://ppt.cc/a1F~ http://ppt.cc/Lg~S Crawford three-run homer
http://ppt.cc/bsex http://ppt.cc/gwF9 A.J. Ellis' two-run homer
http://ppt.cc/g29C http://ppt.cc/ByIV LeMahieu sliding stop http://ppt.cc/rQet http://ppt.cc/wXND Kershaw 16th victory
http://ppt.cc/6VKd http://ppt.cc/2W7n Recap: COL 0, LAD 11 http://ppt.cc/YCXg http://ppt.cc/D~Rv M. Ellis' second RBI single
運動家 (OAK) VS
水手 (SEA) (
8 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/FV8d http://ppt.cc/of~2 A clinch home field in ALDS
http://ppt.cc/1YdM http://ppt.cc/xW2C Felix solid outing
http://ppt.cc/zoTc http://ppt.cc/ZWZw Norris' RBI double
http://ppt.cc/0ki5 http://ppt.cc/2AYm Franklin nice play http://ppt.cc/2-NI http://ppt.cc/6bn0 Mariners turn two http://ppt.cc/1AjE http://ppt.cc/xkCo Gutierrez solo shot
http://ppt.cc/gUvE http://ppt.cc/IPgm Morales' solo dinger
http://ppt.cc/OC3B http://ppt.cc/SLIO Moss on win vs. Mariners
http://ppt.cc/X2MJ http://ppt.cc/jJRS Home Runs for Wishes
http://ppt.cc/5KE2 http://ppt.cc/B0k2 Colon strong performance
http://ppt.cc/L1TG http://ppt.cc/ICQk Donaldson RBI groundout
http://ppt.cc/i67i http://ppt.cc/YHV~ Mariners Fan Awards
http://ppt.cc/ky1d http://ppt.cc/Aq8s Franklin on Mariners' loss
http://ppt.cc/ExnU http://ppt.cc/YAPo Barton RBI single
http://ppt.cc/Io3t http://ppt.cc/x-kj Moss' three-run dinger
http://ppt.cc/AfFs http://ppt.cc/aa5y Wedge on Felix start
http://ppt.cc/sZ6v http://ppt.cc/UHXn Recap: OAK 8, SEA 2 http://ppt.cc/RZn8 http://ppt.cc/luII Norris' two-run tater
http://ppt.cc/hKEp http://ppt.cc/IKkB Crisp four-hit game
教士 (SD) VS
巨人 (SF) (
3 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/Lc7T http://ppt.cc/kuIx Belt two-run jack
http://ppt.cc/7Akm http://ppt.cc/H09M Perez diving grab http://ppt.cc/rtnR http://ppt.cc/KpDM Casilla wiggles out of jam http://ppt.cc/yue0 http://ppt.cc/alfK Blanco RBI triple
http://ppt.cc/Y7-l http://ppt.cc/rGoY Donuts in a DeLorean
http://ppt.cc/f3~m http://ppt.cc/ZWhh Medica RBI single
http://ppt.cc/~qTs http://ppt.cc/1UPE Perez first Major League homer
http://ppt.cc/bID7 http://ppt.cc/pU-u Denorfia shows off his arm http://ppt.cc/Q4qP http://ppt.cc/93dZ Pence on launching 26th homer
http://ppt.cc/BKOL http://ppt.cc/8iFp Recap: SD 3, SF 7 http://ppt.cc/lU7e http://ppt.cc/EAUO Team USA can't make the grab
http://ppt.cc/rTNO http://ppt.cc/zJKe Pence solo homer
http://ppt.cc/nfkY http://ppt.cc/GQLi Padres rookies get dolled up
http://ppt.cc/5szh http://ppt.cc/8nmE Vogelsong solid outing
http://ppt.cc/auQS http://ppt.cc/gDy2 Giants relay nabs Gyorko http://ppt.cc/N3x7 http://ppt.cc/Iynl Gyorko RBI double
http://ppt.cc/VNh3 http://ppt.cc/eCck Forsythe pinch-hit homer
http://ppt.cc/-yG- http://ppt.cc/rpsQ Pence accepts Willie Mac Award
http://ppt.cc/aggz http://ppt.cc/vptp Bochy on Pence big game
http://ppt.cc/HRre http://ppt.cc/TfM~ Spithill joins the booth
每日五大好球/精華回顧 >>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/lKSr http://ppt.cc/1zwR Recap: BOS 12, BAL 3
http://ppt.cc/eEkH http://ppt.cc/2G7v Recap: TB 3, TOR 6
http://ppt.cc/vNYO http://ppt.cc/52vf Recap: DET 2, MIA 3
http://ppt.cc/htTw http://ppt.cc/lJAS Recap: MIL 4, NYM 2
http://ppt.cc/ku9o http://ppt.cc/Dz5Q Recap: PIT 4, CIN 1
http://ppt.cc/NBVg http://ppt.cc/edl2 Recap: PHI 0, ATL 1
http://ppt.cc/1K~X http://ppt.cc/E8Tk Recap: LAA 3, TEX 5
http://ppt.cc/8JWV http://ppt.cc/VLyP Recap: CLE 12, MIN 6
http://ppt.cc/KPQ5 http://ppt.cc/ZvVn Recap: KC 6, CWS 1
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