作者sampsonlu919 (SNL應該在PTT有專版)
標題[外電] IMDB回顧:2013十大成功票房行銷操作
時間Sat Dec 28 14:54:02 2013
Top 10 Box Office Success Stories in 2013 http://imdb.to/1eh1prz 前言:知名電影網站IMDB在今年的回顧專頁中, 除了按照去年慣例請到不少影評人評選最喜歡的十部電影與電視劇, 以及以網頁點選比率整理搜尋度最高的演員與娛樂事件外, 另一個比較特別的回顧文, 是情商姊妹站BoxOfficeMojo的負責人Ray Subers, 撰文評選今年在北美市場票房表現最好的十部電影。 Ray Subers評選此榜單的標準並不單純看影片的累積票房, 主要在於電影的票房比原先預期來得好, 因此此榜單雖然有鋼鐵人3、神偷奶爸、地心引力等賣座大片, 但一些小成本而票房遠超過預期的獨立型製作,也有被他列進去。 -------------- 以下是Ray Subers認為十部美國票房比他預期還要好的電影:
鋼鐵人3 Iron Man 3: Typically, the third movie in a franchise earns less than its predecessor at the domestic box office. That wasn't the case with Iron Man 3, which wound up being viewed more as a spin-off of mega-hit The Avengers than as a sequel to the underwhelming Iron Man 2. While Iron Man 3 was the top movie of the year at the domestic box office (over $409 million), the real upside was overseas, where its $806 million haul was more than double that of its predecessor. Worldwide, the movie's $1.2 billion total ranks fifth all-time. ”
在傳統續集票房慣例上,一個系列第三集在美國的收入通常會低於上集,但這個模式並 不適用於「鋼鐵人3」,因為在觀眾的心裡認定上,鋼3與雷大雨小「鋼鐵人2」的關係 似乎沒那麼高,反而更像是超級大片復仇者聯盟的延伸外傳。鋼3不僅是今年美國本土 唯一票房賣破四億美金的電影,在海外的收入更是暴漲至8.6億,比原先的第二集還 多出至少一倍。此片在全球影史票房也以高達12億的收入高居第五名。 神偷奶爸2 Despicable Me 2: Building on goodwill from the beloved first movie, Despicable Me 2 became one of the most successful animated movies ever. Domestically, it earned over $366 million, which is $115 million more than its predecessor. It saw even bigger gains at the overseas box office, where it is ending its run with over $551 million.
神偷奶爸憑藉著高人氣第一集帶來的影迷基礎,今年推出的續集更是成為影史最成功的 動畫續集片之一。神偷2不僅在美國本地比首集多進帳了1億美金而風光升等到三億俱樂 部,在其他地區票房的進步幅度更是明顯(超過5億) 飢餓遊戲2:星火燎原 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire: Expectations were high for Hunger Games sequel Catching Fire, and it did not disappoint. Its opening weekend was a bit higher than The Hunger Games, and thanks to a strong Thanksgiving weekend it should ultimately top its predecessor’s $408 million domestic total. It’s also making major gains overseas, and should wrap up with over $800 million worldwide.
無論是影迷還是影評,都對飢餓遊戲的續集抱以相當高的期待,而「飢2」電影的成績也 沒有讓他們失望,除了首映票房開得比首集還高,搭上感恩節商機這項利多也讓飢2在 美國本土有機會追上首集超過4億美金的數字。飢2在美國以外的票房也大有收穫,而此 集的全球總票房最終應該會來到8億美金。 地心引力 Gravity: While it seems like a no-brainer now, Gravity could very easily have been a flop: two actors, both over the age of 45, alone in space isn’t exactly a slam dunk at the box office. But director Alfonso Cuaron made a must-see movie, and Warner Bros. delivered a strong marketing campaign. With nearly $250 million at the domestic box office – and over $615 million worldwide -- Gravity is by far the most successful original movie of the year
「地」片成為票房贏家儘管已經是既定事實,但當初看衰此片賣座走勢的人其實不少, 畢竟讓兩位超過45歲的資深演員孤獨地在外太空找出生存的方法,聽起來實在不像一個 會讓人感到興奮的劇情大綱。然而,導演阿方索克龍卻成功地將此片塑造成一部讓全美 觀眾高度關注的必看電影,加上片商華納兄弟撲天蓋地的強勢文宣,「地」片不僅在 美國賣出超過2.5億美金的票房,全球票房也已經超過6億,毫無疑問是今年最成功的 原創型電影。 麻辣交鋒 The Heat: In a summer packed with successful comedies, the biggest of them was June’s The Heat($159.6 million). Starring Sandra Bullock (appearing twice on this list thanks to Gravity) and Melissa McCarthy, and directed by Bridesmaids helmer Paul Feig, The Heat wound up being a great option for under-served female moviegoers.
在暑假檔為數眾多的賣座喜劇中,最成功一部的應該是這部由珊卓布拉克與梅麗莎麥卡錫 合作的警匪喜劇,因為它讓一向容易被漠視的成年女性多了一種更能讓她們快樂的選擇。 這也是布拉克今年另外一部進入此榜單的電影。 全家就是米家 We're the Millers: Benefiting from good scheduling and a strong premise, road trip comedy We’re the Millers got off to a solid start in early August. The movie then held well thanks to strong word-of-mouth, and ultimately became the highest- grossing movie of August 2013. To date, it has earned over $150 million at the domestic box office.
這部公路型喜劇得力於好的檔期與夠吸引人的劇情設定,在上映首週就有相當穩固的收入 ,再加上觀眾的好口碑傳遞效應,讓「全」片不僅榮登今年八月美國最賣座的電影,累積 票房也已經來到1.5億美元。 厲陰宅The Conjuring: With a confident, aggressive marketing effort, The Conjuring kicked off its run with $41.9 million, which is the highest opening ever for an original R-rated horror movie. From there, word-of-mouth was so strong that it managed to overcome the horror genre's front-loading problems, and consistently had weekend drops below 50 percent. The Conjuring wrapped up its domestic run with $137.4 million, which made it the top supernatural horror movie in over a decade.
在充滿自信且強勢的宣傳加持之下,這部小成本電影一上映就帶來超過4千萬美金的收入 ,並成為美國有史以來首映票房最高的原創型限制級恐佈片。隨後,電影本身的好評價 也讓它克服了恐佈片賣座走勢容易頭重腳輕的暴跌毛病,把第二週跌幅控制在50%以下。 厲片如今已經在美國有1.374億美金的票房,是美國在這十幾年上映的超自然恐佈片中, 收入最高的。 出神入化 Now You See Me: Opening on the heels of a handful of high-profile sequels, it seemed like Now You See Me was going to get lost in the shuffle. Instead, what appeared to be a scheduling disadvantage turned out to be the opposite: tired of big-budget franchise movies, audiences flocked to this original magician thriller. By the end of its run, Now You See Me had earned $117.7 million at the domestic box office and over $234 million overseas, which makes it Lionsgate/Summit's highest-grossing movie ever outside of the Twilight and Hunger Games franchises.
這部鬥智動作片一開始頗被影評看衰,因為它同檔期的對手有不少備受注目的續集大片。 然而原先被擔心的劣勢,卻反而轉化成片商充份利用的宣傳優勢-觀眾對疲勞轟炸的大 成本續集感到厭倦,卻願意買票欣賞這部原創的魔術主題驚悚片。「出」片在美國下片 時,美國票房累積已經達到1.17億美金,全球總和也超過兩億,成為獅門/頂峰娛樂除了 「暮光之城」與「飢餓遊戲」兩部YA冒險大片之外,最賣座的電影。 白宮第一管家 Lee Daniels' The Butler: Recognizing that there was nothing to fill the mid-August adult counterprogramming slot, The Weinstein Company moved Lee Daniels’ The Butler up from October. That turned out to be a shrewd move, as The Butler dominated the box office during the second half of August. It continued well in to September, and will close with around $116 million.
溫斯坦公司察覺到八月中旬沒有其他不同於喜劇與奇幻動作片的逆向操作電影,於是將「 真愛人生」導演新片的檔期從原本的十月提前了八個禮拜。溫斯坦的算盤的確算得夠精, 因為「白」片不僅是八月下旬美國最賣座的電影,即使到了九月也持續熱賣,而「白」 片目前在美國的票房也已經突破1億美金。 重點是我愛你 Instructions Not Included: Spanish-language comedy Instructions Not Included opened at just 348 locations, which is a fraction of a typical major release’s theater count. Regardless, it was a huge draw with Hispanic audiences, and wound up earning over $10 million over Labor Day weekend. Instructions has now grossed $44.4 million, which makes it the top Spanish-language movie ever in the U.S.
這部以西班牙語作為主要發音語的父女情喜劇,一開始只在348間戲院上映,等於只有 一般好萊塢大片配額的1/10。不過「重」片在此劣勢下,還是吸引了不少西語/拉丁裔 觀眾買票捧場。「重」片不僅在勞工節假期進帳超過1千萬美金,隨後並以超過4千萬 的累積票房,成為美國有史以來最賣座的西語片。 --
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※ sampsonlu919:轉錄至看板 boxoffice 12/28 15:10
推 lpb:珊卓 今年很強阿 XD 12/28 15:23
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